Getting help at GTBAL

Counselling at GTBAL
For a large number of us, reaching out and accessing help for the first time can often be the toughest part. Taking that first initial step to speaking, and accessing support is a scary one, however it’s also the biggest step you can take when it comes to accessing support.
More often or not, finding a friend of a close family member for a chat is a great way of sharing what’s going on, no matter how big or small. However, from time to time we understand it can be pretty daunting, and sometimes not everyone is in a position to talk to friends and family.
That's where we step in; GTBAL run a completely free, online counselling service open to anyone over the age of 17.
Simply get touch using the button below, and we'll send you a link to our nearest available session. From this point onwards, you'll only be in contact with our counsellors, nobody at GTBAL will know what goes on during your sessions.

The Freedom Programme
The Freedom Programme is a pivotal support system designed to assist individuals in understanding experiences of controlling and coercive behaviour. Through group work facilitated by our qualified counsellors, participants are able to comprehend the dynamics of what has happened to them , fostering an envrionment of support and empowerment. The aim of the programme is to pave a way toward a brighter future for all attendees.